Thursday, March 15, 2012
Assignment 16 research and inspiration
For assignment 16 we are going to have to make a graphic timeline that is easily read and followed. Im thinking i will do a snake like pattern to save space and keep the design simple.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
#14 Research and Inspiration
For Assignment 14 we researched a certain job relating to graphic design. I got art director, and art directors so I knew I had to put a picture of people because art directors work with people. I also wanted peoples eyes to be attracted to the poster (if it was real) so I put bright colors that would draw attention. I also put a japanese rising sun sort of line scheme on it so it would get even more attention.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Early computers
What is an abacus?Preformed simple math calculations
In 1936, Zuse invented this type of computer?Freely programmable computer
In 1944, Aiken and Hopper designed the Mark Series of computers to be used for what?Gunnery and ballistic calculations
In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly designed the first commercial computer for whom? The census bureau
What does UNIVAC stand for?Universal Automatic Computer
In 1953, IBM enters the scene. What does IBM stand for?International Business machines
What is FORTRAN?First programmable language
In 1964, how did Engelbart change the way computers worked?He invented the mouse
What is the significance of ARPnet?The first internet
In 1971, Intel introduced this? The first single chip microprocessor.
In the same year, IBM introduced this? The first memory disk.
In 1973, Metcalf and Xerox created this?Created the first Ethernet computer network.
During the next several years, the first consumer computers were marketed. Scelbi MARK-8, Altiar, IBM 1500, APPLE 1/2, TRS 80, and the Cmmodore PET.
In 1981, Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced this package?MS-DOS computer operating system
In 1983, who introduced the Lisa computer?Apple
What is GUI?Graphical userinterface.
In 1984, a more affordable home computer was introduced. Name the computer and the company that marketed it?Apple Macintosh computer.
The commercial only ran one time. When?During the 1984 Superbowl commercial.
In response to the Apple GUI, Gates and Microsoft introduced this?Microsoft Windows
Two men are known for their development of the Apple I computer. Who are they?Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs
When was the internet that we know, world wide web, developed and introduced?1990
Over the years, Apple has included "easter eggs" within their software. What is an "easter egg"? Secrets that people can find if they look in odd places.
Search for easter eggs in Photoshop and Illustrator. List a few in this post ... and try to find them in the applications.1.Show Layers
2. Goto Palette OPtions while holding down Option
3. Merlin Appears!
4. Hit Begone!
5. Go to the Palette Options and many Merlins will be on your Palettes
Where do you think computers will take us in the next 10 years?Space.
In 1936, Zuse invented this type of computer?Freely programmable computer
In 1944, Aiken and Hopper designed the Mark Series of computers to be used for what?Gunnery and ballistic calculations
In 1951, Eckert and Mauchly designed the first commercial computer for whom? The census bureau
What does UNIVAC stand for?Universal Automatic Computer
In 1953, IBM enters the scene. What does IBM stand for?International Business machines
What is FORTRAN?First programmable language
In 1964, how did Engelbart change the way computers worked?He invented the mouse
What is the significance of ARPnet?The first internet
In 1971, Intel introduced this? The first single chip microprocessor.
In the same year, IBM introduced this? The first memory disk.
In 1973, Metcalf and Xerox created this?Created the first Ethernet computer network.
During the next several years, the first consumer computers were marketed. Scelbi MARK-8, Altiar, IBM 1500, APPLE 1/2, TRS 80, and the Cmmodore PET.
In 1981, Bill Gates and Microsoft introduced this package?MS-DOS computer operating system
In 1983, who introduced the Lisa computer?Apple
What is GUI?Graphical userinterface.
In 1984, a more affordable home computer was introduced. Name the computer and the company that marketed it?Apple Macintosh computer.
The commercial only ran one time. When?During the 1984 Superbowl commercial.
In response to the Apple GUI, Gates and Microsoft introduced this?Microsoft Windows
Two men are known for their development of the Apple I computer. Who are they?Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs
When was the internet that we know, world wide web, developed and introduced?1990
Over the years, Apple has included "easter eggs" within their software. What is an "easter egg"? Secrets that people can find if they look in odd places.
Search for easter eggs in Photoshop and Illustrator. List a few in this post ... and try to find them in the applications.1.Show Layers
2. Goto Palette OPtions while holding down Option
3. Merlin Appears!
4. Hit Begone!
5. Go to the Palette Options and many Merlins will be on your Palettes
Where do you think computers will take us in the next 10 years?Space.
Photography | 1839 - 1960s AD
Until the 1880s, how were news stories illustrated?The picture had to be re-interprited by an engraver before being published
What is a camera obscura?An optical device that projects an image of its surroundings onto a screen.
How did scholars and artists utilize the camera obscure?They used it to observe moon cycles, and to paint portraits of people or things.
From where did the photographic camera develop?England
Who first used the term "photography"? Where was is derived from?Sir John Hershel
Who is credited with making the first successful photograph?Joseph Niepce.
Who invented the Daguerreotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?Louis Daguerre. Exposure time was reduced to half an hour. Expensive
Who invented the Calotype process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?William Fox Talbot. Infirior quiality but it allowed images to be duplicated.
Who invented the Wet Collodion process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?Fredrick Scott Archer. Fast, low cost. Inconvenient
Who invented the Dry Plate process? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the process?Richard Maddox. Not easily available to public but was an easier way to take pictures.
Who is George Eastman? What company did he establish? He made photography accessible for all. He established Kodak.
In 1888, he produced a camera that use his flexible roll film. How did he make this camera/photography accessible to the public?He marketed the brownie camera.
What is Edwin Land best known for? What company did he establish?Patenting polarized light filters in 1934 and his invention of instant photography.
How long did the first Polaroid camera take to produce a photo?60 seconds
What was Eadweard Muybridge known for?Motion pictures.
What is the Zoopraxiscope?Projects a series of images in successive phases of motion.
How did Muybridge settle the debate and photograph a horse in motion?He set up a rig that took pictures as the horse ran past the cameras.
In 1880s, the development of the motion picture camera allowed this.individual images could be captured and stored on a single film reel.
What is a motion picture projector?
Shines light through the film and magnify the moving picture onto a screen for an audience.
The Linotype Machine | 1886 AD
Who is credited with the invention of the typewriter? Christopher Sholes.
What is a "stenographer"?A person employed to transcribe dictation.
Why did Sholes send a prototype of his typewriter to Clephane?Because he was the only one to accept it.
After the typewriter began production, why did Clephane pursue another machine?Because he thought something was still missing.
Who spent a year redesigning Clephane's typesetting machine?Ottmar Mergenthaler.
What is meant by "typesetting"?Designing a font and storing it in some manner.

How does the Linotype Machine differ from the typewriter?It allowed type to be set mechanically rather than by hand.
How did this machine change the newspaper industry?Making it possible for a small number of operators to set type for more pages on a daily basis.
How did the keyboard of the Linotype Machine differ from keyboards that we use today?It doesn't have a shift key.
What is a slug?An assembled line of type cast as a single piece.
Why is the Linotype Machine the greatest advanced in printing since movable type?
It allowed typing to be even faster and more accurate.
What is a "stenographer"?A person employed to transcribe dictation.
Why did Sholes send a prototype of his typewriter to Clephane?Because he was the only one to accept it.
After the typewriter began production, why did Clephane pursue another machine?Because he thought something was still missing.
Who spent a year redesigning Clephane's typesetting machine?Ottmar Mergenthaler.
What is meant by "typesetting"?Designing a font and storing it in some manner.

How did this machine change the newspaper industry?Making it possible for a small number of operators to set type for more pages on a daily basis.
How did the keyboard of the Linotype Machine differ from keyboards that we use today?It doesn't have a shift key.
What is a slug?An assembled line of type cast as a single piece.
Why is the Linotype Machine the greatest advanced in printing since movable type?
It allowed typing to be even faster and more accurate.
The Gutenberg Press | 1450 AD
What is Johannes Gutenberg credited with?
Making the technology to print while using movable text.
How did the printing press work?
The form was pressed against a sheet of paper.
What motivated Gutenberg to find a better way of creating books?
Working at the mint, watching goldsmiths and jewelers.
Why did Gutenberg experiment with metal type versus wood type?
Because wood can splinter and crack.
What is moveable type?
A system of printing that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document.
What is a matrix?
A hard metal punch is hammered into a softer copper bar, creating a matrix.
What ink did Gutenberg develop that he used specifically for the printing press?
oil based ink
What is paper made from? Where did paper originate?
Wood pulp , created by the Chinese.
What is a "substrate"?
A fabric.
Who did Gutenberg seek to help with the invention of the press? Close to the end of the 5 years, what happened? John Fust. Fust sued Guttenberg.
What was the first book he printed?
The bible.
How did the Gutenberg Press impact communication?Perfected script, book were made more rapidly, current information could be spread around the world.
Who introduced the printing press to England?Miliam Caxton
What was the early form of newspapers?Newsletters
When was the first news weekly published? What was it called?1704- Boston News letter
What kind of press was built in the US in the mid 1800s?Complete cast iron press.
By the late 1930s, presses had increased in efficiency and were capable of 2,500 to 3,500 impressions per hour. What is meant by "impression"?Sheets made.
Which printing process is the Gutenberg press an example of? Briefly describe the process?Relief- Movable type is placed into the press, ink is spread onto the type. Paper is placed on top. The press applies the direct pressure needed to transfer the ink to paper.
What is intaglio printing and how is ink transferred? Image area is etched into the plate surface to hold the ink. Ink is applied, then rubbed with a cloth to remove the excess. Damp paper is placed on top. A press applies pressure to transfer the ink to the paper.
What is porous printing and how is ink transferred?Image carrier is attached to a screen. Ink is forced through open mesh areas.
What is lithography and how is ink transferred?Drawing is made on the plate with greasy ink or crayon. Water is applied. When the ink is spread on top, the greasy parts accept the ink, the wet parts do not.
What variation of lithography is used by the commercial printing industry today?Offset lithography.
How do printing presses used today compare to the Gutenberg Press?They are not powered by human force, and they are more efficient.
Describe four-color process printing using CMYK.
4 color process printing is when cyan magenta yellow and black are all used to create a colored picture.
Making the technology to print while using movable text.
How did the printing press work?
The form was pressed against a sheet of paper.
What motivated Gutenberg to find a better way of creating books?
Working at the mint, watching goldsmiths and jewelers.
Why did Gutenberg experiment with metal type versus wood type?
Because wood can splinter and crack.
What is moveable type?
A system of printing that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document.
What is a matrix?
A hard metal punch is hammered into a softer copper bar, creating a matrix.
What ink did Gutenberg develop that he used specifically for the printing press?
oil based ink
What is paper made from? Where did paper originate?
Wood pulp , created by the Chinese.
What is a "substrate"?
A fabric.
Who did Gutenberg seek to help with the invention of the press? Close to the end of the 5 years, what happened? John Fust. Fust sued Guttenberg.
What was the first book he printed?
The bible.

Who introduced the printing press to England?Miliam Caxton
What was the early form of newspapers?Newsletters
When was the first news weekly published? What was it called?1704- Boston News letter
What kind of press was built in the US in the mid 1800s?Complete cast iron press.
By the late 1930s, presses had increased in efficiency and were capable of 2,500 to 3,500 impressions per hour. What is meant by "impression"?Sheets made.
Which printing process is the Gutenberg press an example of? Briefly describe the process?Relief- Movable type is placed into the press, ink is spread onto the type. Paper is placed on top. The press applies the direct pressure needed to transfer the ink to paper.

What variation of lithography is used by the commercial printing industry today?Offset lithography.
How do printing presses used today compare to the Gutenberg Press?They are not powered by human force, and they are more efficient.
Describe four-color process printing using CMYK.
4 color process printing is when cyan magenta yellow and black are all used to create a colored picture.
The Codex and the Illuminated Manuscript | 1st century AD
What were the drawbacks of the scroll?They only allowed for sequential usage.

"Codex" is derived from the Latin meaning "block of wood". Why?Because when the paper is stacked together like that it looks like a piece of wood.
What is the difference between "sequential access" and "random access"?Sequential means you have to keep reading on to find what you want, but random means you can flip to any page to find whatever.
What were the advantages of using the codex?Random access, being sturdy, compactness and ease of reference.
What helped spread the use of the codex?Rise of Christianity.
What replaced papyrus? Describe the process used to create it?Parchment paper- Hair and fat war removed from animal skin, smoothed out, hide was soaked in water, calcium/flour/salt were added, skin was stretched out and dried.
What is vellum?Finer parchment made from the skin of young calves.
Name several examples of current technology that utilizes the format of the codex.iPad and Kindle.
What led to a period of cultural and economical deterioration?When the Romans fought the Huns.

Who began creating books by hand, taking the creation to an art form?Monastic monks
What does "illumination" refer to? What was included in this ornamentation?The border's illustrations. Initials of chapters or paragraphs, paintings in margins, borders and around text.
What tool was used for creating the illuminated manuscripts?Quills
Why were these manuscripts reserved for religious purposes?Because it took so much work.
What is craftsmanship? Why is it important?
The work put into making the book. Its important because without it many of the books would have fallen apart.
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