Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Podcast #4 typeography

Define typography?
The art of expressing ideas through the selection of appropriate typefaces.
Where did the word "typography" originate from?
greek word that means form and writing
What does typography involve?
Size, line spacing, letter spacing
What is a typeface?
distinctive designs of visual symbols that are used to compose a printed image/design
What is another term for typeface?
What is a character?
individual symbols that make up a type face
What is type style?
modifications in a typeface that create design variety while maintaining the visual style of the typeface
What does type style "create" within a design?
bold, italic, condensed roman, heavy
What is the waist line and what does it indicate?
imaginary line drawn at the middle of the characters
What is a base line and what does it indicate?
imaginary line drawn at the bottom of the characters
What is an ascender?
part of a character that extends above the waist line
What is a descender?
part of a character that extends below the base line
Describe a serif?
smaller line used to finish off a main stroke of a letter, usually at the top and bottom of a character
How can the size of the typeface be identified?
point size
What is a point?
point size measure
How many points are in an inch?
What is a pica and how many are in an inch?
How many points are in a pica?
What is body type and where can it be found?
where there is a lot of text to be read

What is the key to selecting appropriate typefaces to be used as body type?
see which one fits your writing's size

What is display type and how is it used?
larger sizes used to draw attention

What is reverse type and when would it be used?
white text on black background, to have easier

What is a typeface classification?
basic system for classifying typefaces

When was Blackletter invented and how was it used?
invented in 1150 it was used to write fraktur
Describe the characteristics of a Blackletter typeface.
Bolded with a lot of ascenders/decenders  and serifs
When was Old Style invneted and what was is based on?
late 15th century
Describe the characteristics of an Old Style typeface?
there are smooth strokes and lines that go from thick to thin
When were formal scripts developed?
17th +
18th century
When were casual scripts developed?
20th century
Describe the characteristics of a Script typeface?
smooth curvy writing that looks hand written
When was Modern typefaces developed and why?
18th century 
Describe the characteristics of a Modern typeface?
it looks like as if someone drew a box letter but with a curvy pen, serifs, thick + thin

How early can Sans Serif typefaces be found? What happened?
5th century
When did they become popular?
What does "sans serif" mean?
without serifs
Describe the characteristics of a Sans Serif typeface?
has no change in the thickness and there are no serifs
When was Slab Serif developed and why?
Describe the characteristics of a Slab Serif typeface?
slight change in the thickness and there are only serifs on the bottom
Describe Decorative typefaces?
everything else that isn't listed above
Why were they developed?
to draw attention to ads
What are they best used for?


Friday, November 18, 2011

Review Week 14

Art institute of Pittsburgh-  Pittsburgh, graphic design, web design, photography and advertising. You have to be old enough to go to college.

DMAC- Florida, computer animation, graphic design, game art, advertising, web design. You have to be 18 years or older.

Full Sail University- Florida, Animation, game art, film, game design, web design,  recording arts. 18 years or older.

Rhode Island School of Design- Rhode Island, apparel design, graphic design, film/animation/video, digital and media, industrial design, sculpting. You must draw two pictures, one representing a bicycle and a drawing to visualize the invisible, portfolio, writing sample,  letters of recommendation, and test scores.

California College of the Arts- California, fashion design, graphic design, painting/drawing. You have to submit your portfolio and application.

Portfolio- is a summary of your works and describes your list of accomplishments. Portfolio's are important because they can get you good jobs if you have one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Review Week 13

 Focal Point: This picture shows how a picture can draw your eye to one space when you look at the pictures.
 Balance: This drawing shows balance by having the black and white parts being symmetrical on both sides
Contrast: This painting shows contrast by having two opposite colors next to each other. 

 Unity: this painting shows unity by having 4 similar shapes equally placed out throughout the picture.
 Pattern: this picture shows pattern by having the penny repeat in the picture.
 Variety: This picture shows variety by showing many different colors and different angles.
 Proportion/Scale: This picture shoes scale by having something small being belittled by something larger.

Movement: This picture shows movement by having blur.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Stephen Kroninger

What kind of art/design does he produce?
He makes art that is made up from a whole bunch of things to make it look like a person.

This piece of art was published in 1991 in the magazine Village Voice.

This piece was put into the magazine "Show"
In what publications/media studios has his work been featured?
t.v., books and magazines

What principles of design were utilized within the piece? How?
He uses the balance principle is most of his art. I can see this because if he has an object on one side he always has one on the other side to balance it.

What elements of design were utilized?
His art contains  changing value and colors. Sometimes the texture changes because it is used from different pieces of art.

Review Week 12

How can you, as the designer, use principles of design to help compose a page?
You can create pictures/colors to draw attention to or away from a certain part of the page.

What are the principles of design?

Line- holds a shape together, can also create barriers in the design

Space- The area that a design's focus is at

Color- the color of an object in the design
Shape- an object in the design
Texture- the surface's feeling on the design
Value- the light and dark parts in a design

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Podcast #3 Principles of design

Define principles of design?
Used to arrange the structural elements of a composition

What do the principles of design affect?
The message of the work

What is the principle of repetition?
repeating an aspect or element in the design

Describe ways that the principle of repetition helps the composition/audience?
it ties the piece together and keeps the viewer's eye focused

What are ways that you can incorporate repetition into your designs?
Bold font, thick lines, bullet points,color

What should you avoid when working with repetition?
When you use it so much that it becomes overwhelming
What is the principle of proportion/scale?
the relative size and scale of various elements in a design

What is the most universal standard of measure when judging size?
the human body

How can the principle of proportion/scale be used as an attention getter?
it dwarfs the size of a human and intimidates them

What is the principle of balance?
the distribution of heavy and light elements in a design

Which kinds of elements/shapes visually weigh heavier/greater?
larger elements

What is another name for symmetrical balance?
formal balance

Define symmetrical balance?
when the weight of a composition is evenly distributed around the design.

What is another name for asymmetrical balance?
informal balance

Define asymmetrical balance?
when the weight of as composition is not evenly distributed throughout a design

What is the principle of emphasis?
stressing of a particular area of focus rather than the details of importance

What happens to a design that has no focus?
nothing stands out

What is a focal point and how is it created?
area where the eye tends to go first. created by making one element dominant

How many components of a composition can be a focal point?
no more than 1

What ways can emphasis be created in a design?
contrasting the primary element with its subordinate

What is the principle of unity?
the wholeness of a composition

What three ways can unity be obtained?
 put objects close to each other

2. make things similar

3. direct vision by a line that ravels around the design

What is the principle of variety?
difference and diversity

What ways can a designer add variety to a design?
an artist can vary textures, shapes and alter their contrasts, tone and intensity.

Why is it important to find the right balance between unity and variety?
so things look interesting but not chaotic

What is figure?
a form, shape or silhouette  

What is another name for figure?
positive shape

What is ground?
area around the figure

What is another name for ground?
negative spce

When a composition is abstract (has no recognizable subject) what will the figure depend on? What does that mean?
Negative space so you can see an image, it means that the picture will only be partially designed

Why must a designer consider the composition as a whole?
so they can make sure they are getting their message across

What is the principle of rhythm?
organized movement is space and time

How is rhythm achieved?
achieved through the orderly repetition of any element, line, shape, value, tone, or texture.

What three ways can rhythm occur in a design?
 When the intervals between the elements are similar

2. with an organic sense of movement

3. a shape going through a sequence of steps

How does rhythm help a composition/design?
can control the readers eye movement

What is the principle of contrast?
occurs when two related elements are different

How can contrast help a design?
can draw the viewers eye to the piece

What is wrong with having too much or too little contrast in a design?less- becomes monotonous and boring
more- Becomes confusing 

What is the key to working with contrast?
make sure the differences are obvious

What are some common ways of creating contrast?
size, shape, value, color, type, texture, direction, alignment and movement