Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Visual Organization

Not directing the audience through the design is misdirecting them!

Eye Movement: The typical eye move left to right, top to bottom.

Controlling the eye movement within the composition is a matter of directing the natural scanning tendency of the viewers eye.

 The eye tends to gravitate towards the most complex areas first. The eye is attracted to things face, particularly the eye.

Light areas of a composition will attract the eye especially when adjacent to a dark area.

Diagonal lines or edges will guide eye movement.

Optical Center: The spot where the human eye tends to enter the page. Optical center is slightly above exact center and just to the left. It takes a compelling element to pull you eye away from this spot

Z-Pattern: Makes a visual sweep of the page in the shape of a Z.

Font guidelines-
Use no more than 2 fonts
Two fonts have to complement each other.
Choose the right font.
Do not overuse fancy/complicated fonts.

visual hierarchy- establishes focal points based on the message
ask yourself- what are they going to see first?

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